* Added Django 1.10 support.
* Added **admin inline** support for polymorphic models.
* Added **formset** support for polymorphic models.
* Added support for polymorphic queryset limiting effects on *proxy models*.
* Added support for multiple databases with the ``.using()`` method and ``using=..`` keyword argument.
* Fixed modifying passed ``Q()`` objects in place.
.. note::
This version provides a new method for registering the admin models.
While the old method is still supported, we recommend to upgrade your code.
The new registration style improves the compatibility in the Django admin.
* Register each ``PolymorphicChildModelAdmin`` with the admin site too.
* The ``child_models`` attribute of the ``PolymorphicParentModelAdmin`` should be a flat list of all child models.
The ``(model, admin)`` tuple is obsolete.
Also note that proxy models will now limit the queryset too.
Fixed since 1.0b1 (2016-08-10)
* Fix formset empty-form display when there are form errors.
* Fix formset empty-form hiding for Grappelli_.
* Fixed packing ``admin/polymorphic/edit_inline/stacked.html`` in the wheel format.