- Supports Django 1.8.17 - Added support for SQL Server vNext
- Fixed the error on altering a field with unique_together (73) - Added data type conversions for legacy ODBC drivers from string to datetime
- Supports Django 1.8.14 - Supports COUNT_BIG in counting rows (60) - Fixed SQL syntax error in executing select_for_update against joined tables (66)
- Supports Django 1.8.13 - Added support for SQL Server 2016 - Fixed the error on changing ForeignKeyField to not nullable (52)
- Supports Django 1.8.10/1.8.11/1.8.12 - Fixed the error on removing OneToOneField (51)
- Supports Django 1.8.9 - Fixed the error on removing a column with check constraint (49) - Fixed unexpected data type conversion of `id` fields to bigint under old TDS protocol (23)