- Backend now supports returning the ID from an insert without needing an additional query. This is disabled
for SQL Server 2000 (assuming that version still works with this backend). :issue:`17`
- This will work even if the table has a trigger. :issue:`20`
- Subqueries will have their ordering removed because SQL Server only supports it when using TOP or FOR XML.
This relies upon the ``with_col_aliases`` argument to ``SQLCompiler.as_sql`` only being ``True`` when the query
is a subquery, which is currently the case for all usages in Django 1.5 master. :issue:`18`
- UPDATE statements will now return the number of rows affected, instead of -1. :issue:`19`
- Apply fix for :djangoticket:`12192`. If QuerySet slicing would result in ``LIMIT 0``, then it shouldn't reach
the database because there will be no response.
- Implemented DatabaseOperation ``cache_key_culling_sql``. :djangoticket:`18330`
- Fixed ``cast_avg_to_float`` so that it only controls the cast for ``AVG`` and not mapping other aggregates.
- Improved IP address detection of :setting:`HOST` setting. :issue:`21`