- Replaced Google Charts with Chart.js (`Issue 21 <https://github.com/bradmontgomery/django-redis-metrics/issues/21>`_)
- Added the ability to set a metric's value rather than increment it via the
``set_metric`` function (`Issue 20 <https://github.com/bradmontgomery/django-redis-metrics/issues/20>`_)
- Support for metrics at a granularity of Seconds, Minutes, and Hours, (`24 <https://github.com/bradmontgomery/django-redis-metrics/pull/24>`_ and `#13 <https://github.com/bradmontgomery/django-redis-metrics/issues/13>`_, thanks mvillarejo)
- Autodecode data from redis (`PR 18 <https://github.com/bradmontgomery/django-redis-metrics/pull/18>`_, thanks jellonek)
- Changed ``utils.generate_test_metrics`` so it only generates metrics at the
daily and above level.
- **Potential Breaking change**: Always store dates & times in UTC
- **Potential Breaking change**: Change the way we store Metric & Gauge Slugs:
Store only the slugs, not the redis keys.
- Added a ``fix_redis_metrics_keys`` command to migrate data for previous versions.