* Fixed DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence (234, Thanks jayvdb)
* Fixed typo in documentation (232, thanks timgates42)
* Added Kyrgyz translation (239,thanks Soyuzbek)
* Ignore translator context hints checking unmatched variables (238, 239, thanks jeancochrane and mondeja)
* Uncheck fuzzy on translation keyup instead of change (235 mondeja)
* Allow passing a function itself to the setting ROSETTA_ACCESS_CONTROL (227, thanks alvra)
* Dropped support for Django 1.11 and Python 2
* Test against Django 3.1a
* Do not show Rosetta link in admin panel if user has no access to translations (240, thanks mondeja)
* Django 3.1: force changelist to display:block (248 thanks realsuayip and mondeja)