The main new features are in the improved query compiler
* Remove: the old Python 3.7
* Remove: the code for Django 2.0
* Fix: many issues in the query compiler in edge cases:
- fix a query with offset, but without a limit (NotImplementedError)
- fix a '__range' lookup on a field of custom foreign key object (SalesforceError)
- fix a '=null' lookup. It worked probably always correctly, but the old implementation was different from standard lookups. It made it impossible to distinguish it from unsupported queries
* Add: The query compiler is now much more precise. Most of unsupported queries will
write a warning before they are tried compiled. This is how users have
discovered some functional queries in the past.
No regression is known that a previously correct query would write a warning.
* Add: Support for date and datetime lookup by year, quarter, month, day, week_day, hour
e.g. group this year by month:
* Add: The method .sf(minimal_aliases=True) is not necessary
for ContentDocumentLink .filter(...); 259
* Fix: Compile correctly: .filter(related_model__field__in=...) Fix 302
* Fix: Prepare tests for Salesforce API 61.0 Summer '24
* Add: Introspect Salesforce fields of type Formula to sf_formula="..." parameter