- drop South support - drop support for Django < 1.7, add support for Django >= 1.7 - add Python 3 support - add a ton of tests - fix bug if vote_name was set in enable_voting_on
- related_fields and get_object_or_404 fix from François Chapuis - add property to check if secretballot is present on a class - add indexed timestamps to votes via Simon de Han - make response valid JSON for mimetype compatibility via Dan Drinkard
- bugfixes, thanks to Gennadiy Potapov
- fixed embarassing SyntaxError in vote
- fix some documentation issues left from 0.1 - make content_type more flexible (can now take a model, content_type, or 'app.model' string)
- replace inheritance from VotableObject with enable_voting_on - when injecting manager methods inherit from existing manager