* **ALERT: this is a backwards incompatible release**; the old `1.x` (formerly `0.9.x`+) code is maintained on a separate branch for now.
* Added support for Django 1.10.
* Ported delete/cleanup functionality from `1.x`.
* Removed support for Django versions older than 1.8. The goal going forward will be to only support Django versions that the Django core team lists as supported.
* Removed elasticsearch-dsl support: responses and results are now represented by simpler internal representations; queries can ONLY be done via a `dict` form.
* Removed `ElasticsearchForm` - it is easy enough to build a form to validate search input and then form a query `dict` manually.
* Renamed `ElasticsearchIndexMixin` to `ElasticsearchTypeMixin`, seeing as the mixin represented an ES type mapping, not an actual index.
* Renamed `ElasticsearchProcessor` to `SimpleSearch`.
* Overall, this module has been greatly simplified.