
Latest version: v3.7.0

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- Add simple filtering if provided a minutes argument in ``clean_duplicate_history`` (gh-606)
- Add setting to convert ``FileField`` to ``CharField`` instead of ``TextField`` (gh-625)
- Added notes on BitBucket Pipelines (gh-627)
- import model ``ContentType`` in ``SimpleHistoryAdmin`` using ``django_apps.get_model``
to avoid possible ``AppRegistryNotReady`` exception (gh-630)
- Fix ``utils.update_change_reason`` when user specifies excluded_fields (gh-637)
- Changed how ``now`` is imported from ``timezone`` (``timezone`` module is imported now) (gh-643)
- ``settings.SIMPLE_HISTORY_REVERT_DISABLED`` if True removes the Revert
button from the history form for all historical models (gh-632))


- Fixed ``bulk_create_with_history support`` for HistoryRecords with ``relation_name`` attribute (gh-591)
- Added support for ``bulk_create_with_history`` for databases different from PostgreSQL (gh-577)
- Fixed ``DoesNotExist`` error when trying to get instance if object is deleted (gh-571)
- Fix ``model_to_dict`` to detect changes in a parent model when using
``inherit=True`` (backwards-incompatible for users who were directly
using previous version) (gh-576)
- Use an iterator for ``clean_duplicate_history`` (gh-604)
- Add support for Python 3.8 and Django 3.0 (gh-610)


- Fixed ``BigAutoField`` not mirrored as ``BigInt`` (gh-556)
- Fixed ``most_recent()`` bug with ``excluded_fields`` (gh-561)
- Added official Django 2.2 support (gh-555)


- Fixed ModuleNotFound issue for ``six`` (gh-553)


- Added the possibility to create a relation to the original model (gh-536)
- Fix router backward-compatibility issue with 2.7.0 (gh-539, gh-547)
- Fix hardcoded history manager (gh-542)
- Replace deprecated ``django.utils.six`` with ``six`` (gh-526)
- Allow ``custom_model_name`` parameter to be a callable (gh-489)


- \* Add support for ``using`` chained manager method and save/delete keyword argument (gh-507)
- Added management command ``clean_duplicate_history`` to remove duplicate history entries (gh-483)
- Updated most_recent to work with excluded_fields (gh-477)
- Fixed bug that prevented self-referential foreign key from using ``'self'`` (gh-513)
- Added ability to track custom user with explicit custom ``history_user_id_field`` (gh-511)
- Don't resolve relationships for history objects (gh-479)
- Reorganization of docs (gh-510)

\* NOTE: This change was not backward compatible for users using routers to write
history tables to a separate database from their base tables. This issue is fixed in

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