- Deprecated ``form_factory`` in favor of ``forms``, to be removed next version.
- Deprecated `crosstab_model` in favor of ``crosstab_field``, to be removed next version.
- Deprecated ``slick_reporting.view.SlickReportView`` and ``slick_reporting.view.SlickReportViewBase`` in favor of ``slick_reporting.view.ReportView`` and ``slick_reporting.view.BaseReportView``, to be removed next version.
- Allowed cross tab on fields other than ForeignKey
- Added support for start_date_field_name and end_date_field_name
- Added support to crosstab on traversing fields
- Added support for document types / debit and credit calculations
- Added support for ordering via ``ReportView.default_order_by`` and/or passing the parameter ``order_by`` to the view
- Added return of Ajax response in case of error and request is Ajax
- Made it easy override to the search form. Create you own form and subclass BaseReportForm and implement the mandatory method(s).
- Consolidated the needed resources in ``slick_reporting/js_resource.html`` template, so to use your own template you just need to include it.
- Fixed an issue with report fields not respecting the queryset on the ReportView.
- Fixed an issue if a foreign key have a custom `to_field` set either in ``group_by`` and/or `crosstab_field` .
- Enhancing and adding to the documentation.
- Black format the code and the documentation