* `79`_: Use `.sortedm2m-item` selector in the widget's JavaScript code to
target the list items. This was previously `ul.sortedm2m li`. This improves
compatibility other markup that does not want to use `ul`/`li` tags. Thanks
to Michal Dabski for the patch.
**Note:** If you use custom markup with the JavaScript code, you need to make
sure that the items now have the `sortedm2m-item` class name.
* `76`_: Add support for to_field_name to SortedMultipleChoiceField. Thanks
to Conrad Kramer for the patch.
.. _76: https://github.com/jazzband/django-sortedm2m/pull/76
.. _79: https://github.com/jazzband/django-sortedm2m/pull/79