- Allow use of Pillow up to v7.2 (from v6.3)
- Switch from using django-imagekit specs in `spectator/core/` to adding `ImageSpecField`s directly on the `Publication` and `Event` models.
- The `spectator_core/includes/thumbnail_*.html` templates have been updated.
- The old image specs in `` are deprecated and should no longer be used. They will be removed in a future release.
- This change means working with models' thumbnails is a little easier. e.g. if django-imagekit's "Optimistic" cache file strategy is used, all of a model's thumbnail sizes will have cached files generated when its thumbnail is added or changed.
- Update Boostrap CSS files from v4.3.1 to v4.4.1
- Make devproject's python dependencies a little laxer
- Drop support for Django 1.11 and 2.1