Old profiling data will be unavailable after upgrading. Don't forget to export the data in advance.
- Add extensible storage backend for profiling data and two storage implementations: `CacheStorage` and `DatabaseStorage`. Setup one of the storage backends as shown in the section 4 of [Setup](https://github.com/catcombo/django-speedinfosetup).
- `SPEEDINFO_PROFILING_CONDITIONS` is empty by default. If you use `SPEEDINFO_EXCLUDE_URLS` in your project you need to initialize the list of conditions explicitly: `SPEEDINFO_PROFILING_CONDITIONS = ["speedinfo.conditions.exclude_urls.ExcludeURLCondition"]`
- `SPEEDINFO_REPORT_COLUMNS` and `SPEEDINFO_REPORT_COLUMNS_FORMAT` were removed, use `SPEEDINFO_ADMIN_COLUMNS` instead. Every entry in `SPEEDINFO_ADMIN_COLUMNS` list is a tuple (column name, value format, attribute name). See [Customize admin columns](https://github.com/catcombo/django-speedinfocustomize-admin-columns) for details. To add extra columns follow the instruction in the section [Extra admin columns](https://github.com/catcombo/django-speedinfoextra-admin-columns) below.
- `speedinfo.settings` module renamed to `speedinfo.conf`
- Base condition class was renamed from `Condition` to `AbstractCondition`