
Latest version: v8.1.0

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- Add :class:`django_structlog.middlewares.request_middleware_router` to choose automatically between Async or Sync middleware

*Rollbacks from 4.1.0:*
- Rollback ``RequestMiddleware`` not being a class anymore, its an internal ``SyncRequestMiddleware``

- Migrate project to ``pyproject.toml`` instead of ````
- Add `asgi` server to demo project see :ref:`development`.



- Add `async view <>`_ support. See `180 <>`_. Special thanks to `DamianMel <>`_.

- ``RequestMiddleware`` is no longer a class but a function due to async view support. This should only affect projects using the middleware not as intended. If this cause you problems, please refer to this issue `183 <>`_, `the documentation <>`_ or feel free to open a new issue. Special thanks to `gvangool <>`_ for pointing that out.

- Add colours in log in the demo project. See `63bdb4d <>`_ to update your projects. Special thanks to `RoscoeTheDog <>`_.
- Upgrade or remove various development packages



- Add support to ``python`` 3.11. See `142 <>`_. Special thanks to `jairhenrique <>`_.



See: :ref:`upgrade_4.0`

- ``django-structlog`` will now on follow LTS versions of Python, Django, and Celery. See `110 <>`_. Special thanks to `jairhenrique <>`_ for his convincing arguments.

- You can now install ``django-structlog`` with ``celery`` extra. Specifying ``django-structlog[celery]==4.0.0`` in ``requirements.txt`` will make sure your ``celery``'s version is compatible.

- Upgrade or remove various development packages
- Upgrade local development environment from python 3.7 to 3.10 and from django 3.2 to django 4.1
- Added a `gh-pages <>`_



- ``AttributeError`` with custom User without ``pk``. See `80 <>`_. Special thanks to `mlegner <>`_.

- Add ``dependabot`` to manage dependencies. See `83 <>`_. Special thanks to `jairhenrique <>`_.
- Upgrade various development packages



See: :ref:`upgrade_3.0`

- ``django-structlog`` now uses ``structlog.contextvars`` instead of ``structlog.threadlocal``. See the upgrade guide for more information (:ref:`upgrade_3.0`) and `78 <>`_. Special thanks to `AndrewGuenther <>`_ and `shimizukawa <>`_.
- removed ``django_structlog.processors.inject_context_dict``
- minimum requirements change to ``python`` 3.7+
- minimum requirements change to ``structlog`` 21.5

- Add python 3.10, celery 5.2 and django 4.0 to the test matrix.

- Remove ``wrapper_class`` from the configuration

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