6f781a02fe updated example (bashu)
db634b5d6e su now works with django-suit, fix 48 (bashu)
245700d9fc using django's module loading utils, fix 45 (bashu)
d1ee129ac8 Update README.rst (Basil Shubin)
a659a40e8a fixed my own fixes (kudos to PetrDlouhy) (bashu)
ba5e4f8984 switched from zipball to tarball (bashu)
4c060a84c9 fix for Django 1.10 (Petr Dlouhý)
96d1178806 test (with allow failures) on dev (Petr Dlouhý)
890004401d updated example project (bashu)
24cb98f6b7 getting rid of pypy (bashu)
eccb6743f9 fixed .travis.yml (bashu)
92e9c20a3e added django 1.9 support (bashu)
632db8ff8c fixed "RemovedInDjango110Warning: The context_instance argument of render_to_string is deprecated..." (bashu)
56f8acf462 fixed "RemovedInDjango110Warning: You haven't defined a TEMPLATES setting..." (bashu)
7b2d58b751 fixed "RemovedInDjango110Warning: django.conf.urls.patterns() is deprecated..." (bashu)
edb9b166ef cleanup CHANGES.txt (bashu)