* [Feature] `django-reversion <https://github.com/etianen/django-reversion>`_ app support. `Example <http://djangosuit.com/admin/examples/reversioneditem/>`_ [Thanks to phihos] * [Feature] `WYSIWYG editors <http://django-suit.readthedocs.org/en/develop/wysiwyg.html>`_ support, examples and docs * [Feature] `Full-width fieldsets <http://django-suit.readthedocs.org/en/develop/widgets.html#css-goodies>`_ * [Feature] Introduced two related wysiwyg apps `suit-redactor <https://github.com/darklow/django-suit-redactor>`_ and `suit-ckeditor <https://github.com/darklow/django-suit-ckeditor>`_ * [CSS] New "multi-fields in row" look and behaviour. * [CSS] Support for fieldset "wide" class * [Refactor] Major fieldset refactoring to support multi-line labels * [Fix] Many CSS/Templating fixes and tweaks. See commit log for full changes
* [Tests] Travis CI hooked up - testing against Django 1.4-1.5, Python 2.5-3.3 * [Tests] Tests now cover every class and method in Django Suit * [Fix] Full support for Python 3.x added * [Critical] Django 1.4 compatibility restored. Removed django.utils.six (Django 1.4.2)
* [Feature] New widget: `AutosizedTextarea <http://django-suit.readthedocs.org/en/develop/widgets.html#autosizedtextarea>`_ * [Feature] New widget: `LinkedSelect <http://django-suit.readthedocs.org/en/develop/widgets.html#linkedselect>`_ * [Feature] JavaScript inlines hook: `SuitAfterInline JS hook <http://django-suit.readthedocs.org/en/develop/widgets.html#javascript-goodies>`_ * [Tests] Tests means more stability - bunch of tests added, more to come. * [Fix/Refactoring] Install breaks under certain conditions 17 * [Fix] Admin save_on_top=True breaks change form 16 * [Fix] Minor bugs and tweaks. See commit log for full changes
* [Fix] Sortables improvements and fixes 12, 13, 14 * [Fix] Python3 related fixes 11 [Thanks to coagulant] * [Fix] Firefox floating problem for list "New" button 15
* [Feature] `Sortables <http://django-suit.readthedocs.org/en/develop/sortables.html>`_ for `change list <http://djangosuit.com/admin/examples/continent/>`_, `mptt-tree <http://djangosuit.com/admin/examples/category/>`_ list and `tabular inlines <http://djangosuit.com/admin/examples/continent/9/>`_. * [Feature] `EnclosedInput widget <http://django-suit.readthedocs.org/en/develop/widgets.html#enclosedinput>`_ for Twitter Bootstrap appended/prepended inputs. `Example <http://djangosuit.com/admin/examples/city/5/>`_ * [Feature] `HTML5Input <http://django-suit.readthedocs.org/en/develop/widgets.html#html5input>`_ widget * [Documentation] Added detailed docs and examples on sortables and widgets * [Fix] Minor bugs and tweaks. See commit log for full changes
* [Feature] Customizable menu, cross apps, custom links and menus * [Refactoring] Moved all static files to separate directory * [Fix] PEP8 and templates style improvements [Thanks to peterfschaadt] * [Fix] Fixed inconsistent styling on login form errors [Thanks to saippuakauppias]