* Tag 'related_objects' was changed. Now it accepts an object, variable's
name and limit (see docs/overview.txt for more details.
* Added synonyms support.
* Added multilingual support.
* Added a ``tagging.generic`` module for working with list of objects
which have generic relations, containing a ``fetch_content_objects``
function for retrieving content objects for a list of ``TaggedItem``s
using ``number_of_content_types + 1`` queries rather than the
``number_of_tagged_items * 2`` queries you'd get by iterating over the
list and accessing each item's ``object`` attribute.
* Added a ``usage`` method to ``ModelTagManager``.
* ``TaggedItemManager``'s methods now accept a ``QuerySet`` or a
``Model`` class. If a ``QuerySet`` is given, it will be used as the
basis for the ``QuerySet``s the methods return, so can be used to
restrict results to a subset of a model's instances. The
`tagged_object_list`` generic view and ModelTaggedItemManager``
manager have been updated accordingly.
* Removed ``tagging\tests\runtests.py``, as tests can be run with
``django-admin.py test --settings=tagging.tests.settings``.
* A ``tagging.TagDescriptor`` is now added to models when registered.
This returns a ``tagging.managers.ModelTagManager`` when accessed on a
model class, and provide access to and control over tags when used on
an instance.
* Added ``tagging.register`` to register models with the tagging app.
Initially, a ``tagging.managers.ModelTaggedItemManager`` is added for
convenient access to tagged items.
* Moved ``TagManager`` and ``TaggedItemManager`` to ``models.py`` - gets
rid of some import related silliness, as ``TagManager`` needs access
to ``TaggedItem``.