Upgrade notes: :ref:`upgrade_0-14-1`
* Added adaptor for Select2 v4 and set as default for Django 2.2+ (11, 12, 90)
* Support full unicode slugs with new ``TAGULOUS_SLUG_ALLOW_UNICODE`` setting (22)
* Drops support for Django 1.8 and earlier
* Tag fields work with abstract and concrete inheritance (8)
* Ensure weighted values are integers not floats (69, 70)
* The admin site in Django 2.2+ now uses the Django vendored versions of jQuery and
select2 (76)
* Fix support for single character tags in trees (82)
* Fix documentation for adding registering tagged models in admin (83)
* Fix division by zero in weight() (59, 61)
* Fix support for capitalised table name in PostgreSQL (60, 61)
* Tag fields are stripped before parsing, preventing whitespace tags in SingleTagFields
* Fix documentation for quickstart (41)
* Fix ``prefetch_related()`` on tag fields (42)
* Correctly raise an ``IntegrityError`` when saving a tree tag without a name (50)
* Signals have been refactored to global handlers (instead of multiple independent
handlers bound to descriptors)
* Code linting improved; project now uses black and isort, and flake8 passes
Thanks to:
* Khoa Pham (phamk) for ``prefetch_related()`` fix (42, 87)
* Erik Van Kelst (4levels) for division by zero and capitalised table fixes (60, 61,
* hagsteel for weighted values fix (69, 70)
* Michael Röttger (mcrot) for single character tag fix (81, 82)
* Frank Lanitz (frlan) for admin documentation fix (83)