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- Fix dropdown for firefox (middleclick) and mobile


Patch release for fat's n00bery

- fix missing event type in dropdown
- fix delegated data-attrs for popover/tooltip
- make carousel actually pause when you click cycle
- fix jshint ref in makefile
- fix trying to remove backdrop when no backdrop


Minor release to add carousel indicators, improve tooltips, improve dev setup, and fix hella bugs.

- **Repository changes:**
- **Local instead of global dependencies** for our makefile and install process. Now getting started is way easier—just run `npm install`.
- Upgraded to jQuery 1.9. No changes were needed, but we did upgrade the included jQuery file to the latest release.
- Moved changelog to be within the repo instead of as a wiki page.
- **New and improved features:**
- **Added carousel indicators!** Add the HTML and it automagically works.
- **Added `container` option to tooltips.** The default option is still `insertAfter`, but now you may specify where to insert tooltips (and by extension, popovers) with the optional container parameter.
- Improved popovers now utilize `max-width` instead of `width`, have been widened from 240px to 280px, and will automatically hide the title if one has not been set via CSS `:empty` selector.
- Improved tooltip alignment on edges with [6713](
- **Improved accessibility for links in all components.** After merging [6441](, link hover states now apply to the `:focus` state as well. This goes for basic `<a>` tags, as well as buttons, navs, dropdowns, and more.
- Added print utility classes to show and hide content between `screen` and `print` via CSS.
- Updated input groups to make them behave more like default form controls. Added `display: inline-block;`, increased `margin-bottom`, and added `vertical-align: middle;` to match `<input>` styles.
- Added `.horizontal-three-colors()` gradient mixin (with example in the CSS tests file).
- Added `.text-left`, `.text-center`, and `.text-right` utility classes for easy typographic alignment.
- Added `ms-viewport` so IE10 can use responsive CSS when in split-screen mode.
- **Docs changes:**
- Added [new justified navigation example](
- Added sticky footer with fixed navbar example.

See more on the [2.3.0 pull request](


Bugfix release addressing docs, CSS, and some JavaScript issues. Key changes include:

- **Docs:**
- Assets (illustrations and examples) are now retina-ready.
- Replaced []( with [Holder.js](, a client-side and retina-ready placeholder image tool.
- **Dropdowns:** Temporary fix added for dropdowns on mobile to prevent them from closing early.
- **Popovers:**
- No longer inherits `font-size: 0;` when placed in button groups.
- Arrows refactored to work in IE8, and use less code.
- Plugin no longer inserts popover content into a `<p>`, but rather directly into `.popover-content`.
- **Labels and badges:** Now [automatically collapse]( if they have no content.
- **Tables:** Nesting support with `.table-bordered` and `.table-striped` greatly improved.
- **Typeahead:**
- Now [inserts dropdown menu after the input]( instead of at the close of the document.
- Hitting escape will place focus back on the `<input>`.
- Print styles, from HTML5 Boilerplate, have been added.

See more on the [2.2.2 milestone](


Hotfix release to address the carousel bug reports.



2.1.2 is now 2.2.0: four new example templates, added media component, new typographic scale, fixed that box-shadow mixin bug, fixed z-index issues, and [more](


- **Added four new example templates** to the docs, including a narrow marketing page, sign in form, sticky footer, and a fancy carousel (created for an upcoming .net magazine article).
- **Added the media component**, to create larger common components like comments, Tweets, etc.
- **New variable-driven typographic scale** based on `baseFontSize` and `baseLineHeight`.
- Revamped mini, small, and large padding via new variables for inputs and buttons so everything is the same size.
- Reverted 2.1.1's `.box-shadow();` mixin change that caused compiler errors.
- Improved dropdown submenus to support dropups and left-aligned submenus.
- Fixed z-index issues with tooltips and popovers in modals.
- Hero unit now sets basic type styles for the entire component, rather than on `.hero-unit p { ... }`.
- Updated JavaScript plugins and docs to jQuery 1.8.1.
- Added file.
- Added support for installing Bootstrap via [Bower](
- Miscellaneous variable improvements across the board.
- Miscellaneous documentation typos fixed.

For the full list of issues included in this release, visit the [2.2.0 milestone on GitHub](

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