
Latest version: v2.0.0

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- Django 2.2, 3.0 and 3.1 support (Thanks itsdkey!)
- Allow customization of template name in template tags (Thanks itsdkey!)
- Refactor tests and sample project to be more standard (Thanks itsdkey!)
- Require django-mptt >= 0.11
- New migration (required because the MenuItem model is based on django-mptt, and
django-mptt has removed a number of indexes from fields - django-treenav itself has
not changed)
- Switch from Travis CI to Github Acions CI
- Add pre-commit, black, isort configs

Backwards Incompatible Changes

- Drop support for Python 2 and Python 3 versions < 3.6
- Drop support for Django < 2.2
- Drop support for django-mptt < 0.11



- Add Django 1.11 and 2.0 support
- Drop other Django version support (1.9 and 1.0 already unsupported
by Django; 1.8 goes out of support on April 1.)



- Django 1.9 and 1.10 support (67)
- Dropped support for Django 1.7



This is a stable release supporting Django 1.8 and Python 3.

- Python 3 support (28)
- Django 1.8 support (40)
- Confirmed support for django-mptt 0.7
- Confirmed support for Django 1.7
- Dropped support for Django prior to 1.7
- Dropped support for Python 2 prior to 2.7
- Dropped support for Python 3 prior to 3.3
- Dropped support for django-mptt prior to 0.7
- Setup Travis (27)
- Add docs for 'Rebuild Tree' admin action.
- Updated Tox (45) and Travis (50) to work with Tox 2.0
- Updated sample project to work with Django 1.8 and django-mptt 0.7 (25)
- Fixed bug that prevented deletion of items from admin changelist (54)
- Fixed bug where reordering items in the admin would disorder tree (42)
- Switched to Django migrations (63)

Backwards Incompatible Changes

- ``MenuItem`` model no longer uses ``.tree`` for ``TreeManager`` methods. Instead use ``.objects`` (change from django-mptt 0.5)
- If you are upgrading from 0.9.2 (or earlier) and are currently using Django 1.8, then you will need to
run ``python migrate --fake-initial`` since we have converted from using South to Django
migrations. Django 1.7 does "fake-initial" behavior by default.
- The ``post_save`` signal which updates MenuItems when their corresponding object changes will NOT
be active during data migrations. If you update any objects during a data migration, and that
object has a corresponding MenuItem, you will need to manually update the HREF of the MenuItem.



- Add 'Rebuild Tree' button for MenuItem admin



- Allow MenuItem.parent to be blank
- Fixed bug that prevented display of more than 2 levels of tree when ``full_tree`` was set to True

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