* Implemented [Only attempt to import rich and typer if settings has not disabled tracebacks.](https://github.com/bckohan/django-typer/issues/88)
* Implemented [Move tests into top level dir.](https://github.com/bckohan/django-typer/issues/87)
* Implemented [Move core code out of __init__.py into management/__init__.py](https://github.com/bckohan/django-typer/issues/81)
* Fixed [Typer(help="") doesnt work.](https://github.com/bckohan/django-typer/issues/78)
🚨 Deprecation Warning
**Imports from ``django_typer`` have been deprecated and will be removed in 3.0! Imports have moved to ``django_typer.management``**
old way
from django_typer import TyperCommand, command, group, initialize, Typer
new way!
from django_typer.management import TyperCommand, command, group, initialize, Typer
What's Changed
* V2.1.0 by bckohan in https://github.com/bckohan/django-typer/pull/89
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/bckohan/django-typer/compare/v2.0.2...v2.1.0