- Make it possible to set [WeasyPrint options](https://doc.courtbouillon.org/weasyprint/stable/api_reference.html#weasyprint.DEFAULT_OPTIONS) via WeasyTemplateResponse (79) - Add support for non-hashed path when `ManifestStaticFilesStorage` is used with `DEBUG=True`
- Improve URL Fetcher to return `redirected_url` with 'file://' prefix for image cache using https://github.com/Kozea/WeasyPrint/pull/1853 with WeasyPrint v59.0 (#74) - Add Python 3.12 and Django 5.0 to test matrix, remove Django 4.0 and 4.1 (https://github.com/fdemmer/django-weasyprint/pull/68)
- Support WeasyPrint v59.0 (71) - Add Python 3.11 and Django 4.2 to test matrix, remove Python 3.6 and 3.7
- Attempt to load static files from disk when using `ManifestStaticFilesStorage` (48) - Add debug logging to `django_url_fetcher` - Add Python 3.10 and Django 4.1 to test matrix, remove Django 2.2
- Add `font_config` argument to `WeasyTemplateResponse.get_css()` to properly set up the `weasyprint.CSS` instance for `weasyprint.HTML.render()` (f944d45, 54)
- [WeasyPrint >= 53.0](https://github.com/Kozea/WeasyPrint/releases/tag/v53.0) is required ("PDF is the only output format supported!") - Remove `PNGView` and `CONTENT_TYPE_*` constants - Add Django 3.2 to test matrix, remove 3.0