- fix django 1.5 issues with AdminMediaHandler (thanks Tai Lee); - tox.ini is updated to use latest django versions and the official trunk with python3 support; - django 1.5 SimpleCookie issues are fixed.
- self.assertRedirects is fixed for authenticated requests.
- if AuthenticationMiddleware is not in a middleware list, WebtestUserMiddleware is put to the end of middlewares in order to provide better backward compatibility with 1.4.x in case of custom auth middlewares.
- Fixed handling of forms with method="get". Thanks Jeroen Vloothuis.
- WebtestUserMiddleware is inserted after AuthenticationMiddleware, not to the end of middleware list (thanks bigkevmcd); - don't list python 2.5 as supported because WebOb dropped 2.5 support; - python 3 support; - test running using tox.
- 'user' parameter for ``self.app.put`` and ``self.app.delete`` methods (thanks Ruslan Popov).