
Latest version: v4.1.1

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- Resolves [38]( Revalidate target URLs when handling pending mentions
- Should be unnecessary generally (they are also validated at discovery time when parsed from HTML) but important if validation checks are updated.

- Resolves [41]( Find correct endpoint when multiple `link`s in HTTP header.

- Added `settings.WEBMENTIONS_INCOMING_TARGET_MODEL_REQUIRED` \[`bool` | default=`False`]. If `True`, incoming mentions are only accepted if their target resolves to a `MentionableMixin` instance.

- Added `settings.WEBMENTIONS_ALLOW_SELF_MENTIONS` \[`bool` | default=`True`].
- If `False`, outgoing links that target your own domain (as specified by `settings.DOMAIN_NAME`) will be ignored - you will only submit mentions to other domains.
- If `True`, outgoing links that use a relative path (e.g. `href="/article/1/"`) are now supported.

- Fix: WebmentionHeadMiddleware no longer overwrites existing links in HTTP header when adding webmention endpoint.

- Fix: Webmention 'notes' no longer persists across instances.


Upgrade warning

If upgrading from an older version please be aware of these changes:
- Unused `MentionableMixin.allow_incoming_webmentions` field has been removed.
- Any existing instances of `PendingIncomingWebmention` and `PendingOutgoingContent` will be deleted.
- These models have new constraints so it is necessary to recreate them.
- If this is problematic for you please don't upgrade yet. Contact me or create an issue and I will make a tool to persist these between versions.


Thanks to philgyford for reporting most of the issues referenced here.

- Resolves [25](
- Added `QuotableMixin.post_type` field.

- Incoming webmentions are now checked for the following microformat
properties that describe the type of mention they are:
- `u-bookmark-of`
- `u-like-of`
- `u-listen-of`
- `u-in-reply-to`
- `u-repost-of`
- `u-translation-of`
- `u-watch-of`

- The `/webmention/get` endpoint serializes these values in the `type`
field respectively as:
- `bookmark`
- `like`
- `listen`
- `reply`
- `repost`
- `translation`
- `watch`
- If no specific `type` is specified this defaults to `webmention`.

- Resolves [30](
- Added `MentionableMixin.should_process_webmentions() -> bool` method to enable custom logic.

- Resolves [31](
- Success message now rendered via template, enabling override by user.

- Resolves [32](
- Same-page anchor links no longer treated as webmention targets.

- Resolves [33](, [#34](
- Much improved parsing of `h-card`.
- Now tries to find an`h-card` that is directly related to the mention link (embedded in `p-author` of a parent `h-entry` or `h-feed` container).
- If that doesn't yield a result, try to find a top-level `h-card` on the page.
- Removed `HCard.from_soup()` classmethod. Parsing logic moved to `tasks.incoming.parsing` package.

- Resolves [36](
- Added constraints to `PendingIncomingWebmention` and `PendingOutgoingContent` to avoid duplication.
- **Warning**: If updating from an older version of `django-wm` this will delete any existing `Pending...` model instances.
- Request timeouts are now handled gracefully.
- `PendingIncomingWebmention` and `OutgoingWebmentionStatus` now implement the new `RetryableMixin`.
- Reworked webmention processing tasks to allow failed webmentions to be retried periodically.

- New `dashboard/` view: a simple overview of recent mentions.
- Shows the latest instances of `Webmention`, `OutgoingWebmentionStatus`, `PendingIncomingWebmention`, `PendingOutgoingContent` and info on their current status.
- By default, restricted to users with `mentions.view_webmention_dashboard` permission.
- Can be made public via `settings.WEBMENTIONS_DASHBOARD_PUBLIC = True`.

- New optional settings:
- `settings.WEBMENTIONS_TIMEOUT` \[`float` | default=`10`] specifies the time (in seconds) to wait for network calls to resolve.
- `settings.WEBMENTIONS_RETRY_INTERVAL` \[`int` | default=`600`] specifies the minimum time (in seconds) to wait before retrying to process a webmention.
- `settings.WEBMENTIONS_MAX_RETRIES` \[`int` | default=`5`] specifies how many times we can attempt to process a mention before giving up.
- `settings.WEBMENTIONS_DASHBOARD_PUBLIC` \[`bool` | default=`False`] specifies whether the the `dashboard/` view can be viewed by anyone. If `False` (default), the `dashboard/` view is only available to users with `mentions.view_webmention_dashboard` permission.

- `WebmentionHeadMiddleware`
- Removed port from generated endpoint URL in HTTP headers as `request.META.SERVER_PORT` may not be reliable depending on reverse proxy configuration.

- `MentionableMixin`:
- `mentions()` is now a method, not a property.
- Removed field `allow_incoming_webmentions` as it has never been used for anything.

- Streamlined template tags
- `{% load webmentions_endpoint %}` replaced by `{% load webmentions %}`.
- `{% webmention_endpoint %}` replaced by `{% webmentions_endpoint %}` (used in HTML `<head>`).
- New tag `{% webmentions_dashboard %}` creates a <a>link</a> to your `webmentions/dashboard/` view.


Resolves [28](

New MentionableMixin classmethod: `resolve_from_url_kwargs(**url_kwargs)`
- This method receives captured parameters from an `urlpatterns` path.
- By default, it uses `<slug:slug>` to look up your object by a unique `slug` field.
- You can customize this by overriding the classmethod in your
MentionableMixin implementation

urlpatterns = [
"model_name": "myapp.MyBlog",
class MyBlog(MentionableMixin, models.Model):
date = models.DateTimeField(
slug = models.SlugField()
content = models.TextField()

def all_text(self):
return self.content

def get_absolute_url(self):
return reverse(
"post_slug": self.slug,

def resolve_from_url_kwargs(cls, year, month, day, post_slug, **url_kwargs):
return cls.objects.get(

`mentions.resolution.get_model_for_url_path` now delegates to
`MentionableMixin.resolve_from_url_kwargs` to resolve captured URL
parameters to a model instance.


Merges [24]( `QuotableMixin.published` can now be overriden - thanks [garrettc](
Fixes [26]( `requests` 2.20 or greater (until version 3) are now allowed. Likewise for `beautifulsoup4` 4.6 and `mf2py` 1.1.

Added `get_mentions_for_view(HttpRequest) -> Iterable[QuotableMixin]` convenience method. This may be used to retrieve mentions for rendering directly in a Django template, as an alternative to using the `webmention/get` endpoint from a frontend script.


Fix: Test view defined in main urlpatterns.


- Added setting `WEBMENTIONS_USE_CELERY` (boolean, default `True`)
**If `False`**:
- `celery` does not need to be installed
- New models `PendingIncomingWebmention` and `PendingOutgoingContent` are created to store the required
data for later batch-processing.
- New management command: ` pending_mentions` can be used to process these data.

- `/get` endpoint:
- Now returns results for SimpleMention objects as well as Webmentions.
- Added field `type` with value `webmention` or `simple` so they can be differentiated when displaying.

- Updated instructions for installation with or without celery.

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