I've just released v1.0.0 to PyPI. This release should not introduce any breaking changes but made sense the package's major version was correctly incremented.
This introduces one new feature: **[Refresh Tokens](https://github.com/GetBlimp/django-rest-framework-jwtrefresh-token)**. This feature was introduced in PR 23 by alvinchow86 and also introduces some fixes by liamlin.
A typical use case for might be a web app where you'd like to keep the user "logged in" the site without having to re-enter their password, or get kicked out by surprise before their token expired. Imagine they had a 1-hour token and are just at the last minute while they're still doing something. With mobile you could perhaps store the username/password to get a new token, but this is not a great idea in a browser. Each time the user loads the page, you can check if there is an existing non-expired token and if it's close to being expired, refresh it to extend their session. In other words, if a user is actively using your site, they can keep their "session" alive.
This release also introduces a new setting: **[JWT_AUTH_HEADER_PREFIX](https://github.com/GetBlimp/django-rest-framework-jwtjwt_auth_header_prefix)**. This allows you to modify the Authorization header value prefix that is required to be sent together with the token. The default value is `JWT`. This decision was introduced in PR 4 to allow using both this package and OAuth2 in DRF.
Another common value used for tokens and Authorization headers is `Bearer`.

Thanks to everyone that helped make this release happen. You're awesome!