
Latest version: v1.9.3

Safety actively analyzes 665899 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Not secure
- Add a signal for modifying the user just before saving it on
the update_user method of the authentication backend.


Not secure
- Trim the SAML attributes before setting them to the Django objects
if they are too long. This fixes a crash with MySQL.


Not secure
- Allow to use different attributes besides 'username' to look for
existing users.


Not secure
- Add a setting to decide if the user should be redirected to the
next view or shown an authorization error when the user tries to
login twice.


Not secure
- Remove Django from our dependencies
- Restore support for Django 1.3


Not secure
- Add tox support configured to run the tests with Python 2.6 and 2.7
- Fix some dependencies and sdist generation. Lorenzo Gil
- Allow defining a logout redirect url in the settings. Lorenzo Gil
- Add some logging calls to improve debugging. Lorenzo Gil
- Add support for custom conf loading function. Sam Bull.
- Make the tests more robust and easier to run when djangosaml2 is
included in a Django project. Sam Bull.
- Make sure the profile is not None before saving it. Bug reported by
Leif Johansson

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