A long overdue minor release initiating the 0.3.x series and including the milestones set for the 0.3.0 version in our roadmap.
A full list of changes can be found below.
* FIX: Revise vector tests broken when addressing other issues (103)
* FIX: Minor refactor of DWI/brainmasks utilities and dtypes (101)
* FIX: Test pin to ``reports_bug`` branch (59)
* FIX: CircleCI ``on_fail`` command (61)
* ENH: An initial implementation of SD estimation. (97)
* ENH: Minor refactor reorganizing base workflows, in prep for 97 (110)
* ENH: Use new ``DerivativesDataSink`` from *NiWorkflows* 1.2.0 (108)
* ENH: Port the new *anatomical fast-track* from *fMRIPrep* (109)
* ENH: Data-driven *b0* identification tool (107)
* ENH: Do not raise error in all instances of *b*-vecs/vals inconsistencies (100)
* ENH: Update ``DiffusionGradientTable`` interface to support vector reorientation (89)
* ENH: Update image utility output path behavior (81)
* ENH: Adopt ``config`` module (88)
* ENH: Added ``ds001771/sub-36`` dataset and FS derivatives (67)
* DOC: Add nipreps developers and year to ``LICENSE`` file (69)
* DOC: Roadmap documentation (58)
* DOC: Document the fact that we are using popylar/GA for usage tracking (63)
* MAINT: Remove the leftovers of AFQ in ``.afq/`` (106)
* MAINT: Refactor the workflow to use *Nipype* iterables (105)
* MAINT: Add ds001771 to the smoke-tests battery (91)
* MAINT: Revisions after previous maintenance commit (83) (85)
* MAINT: Update dependencies (83)
.. admonition:: Author list for papers based on *dMRIPrep* 0.3.x series
As described in the `Contributor Guidelines
anyone listed as developer or contributor may write and submit manuscripts
about *dMRIPrep*.
To do so, please move the author(s) name(s) to the front of the following list:
Joseph, Michael \ :sup:`1`\ ; Pisner, Derek \ :sup:`2`\ ; Richie-Halford, Adam \ :sup:`3`\ ; Lerma-Usabiaga, Garikoitz \ :sup:`4`\ ; Keshavan, Anisha \ :sup:`3`\ ; Kent, James D. \ :sup:`5`\ ; Cieslak, Matthew \ :sup:`6`\ ; Poldrack, Russell A. \ :sup:`7`\ ; Rokem, Ariel \ :sup:`8`\ ; Esteban, Oscar \ :sup:`9`\ .
1. The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
2. Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA
3. The University of Washington, eScience Institute
4. Department of Psychology, Stanford University, CA, USA
5. Neuroscience Program, University of Iowa
6. Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA
7. Department of Psychology, Stanford University
8. The University of Washington eScience Institute
9. Dep. of Radiology, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne