* added `compareprefs` module
* added `rplot` module to enable plotting with `ggseqlogo <https://omarwagih.github.io/ggseqlogo/>`_
* Added `omega` overlay option to ``dms2_logoplot``
* Fix bug with ``dms2_logoplot`` when using wildtype sequence overlays
* Fix bug with ``--fracsurvivemax 0`` to ``dms2_logoplot``
* Scale pseudocounts when using ``dms2_prefs`` with ``--method ratio``, which should give more accurate values when depths differ across samples.
* Some minor bug fixes.
* Fix bug with handling of disulfide-bonded cysteines in ``dssp`` output.
* Added `colors` option to `plot.plotCorrMatrix`
* Added ``--diffprefs`` option to ``dms2_logoplot``