- Added ``utils.tidy_to_corr``.
- Added ``binarymap`` module.
- Added ``globalepistasis`` module.
- Added ``ispline`` module.
- Order of rows in data frames from ``CodonVariantTable.func_scores``.
- Updated ``codonvariant_sim_data.ipynb`` to be smaller and fit global epistasis models, and move plot formatting examples to a new dedicated notebook.
- Changed ``SigmoidPhenotypeSimulator`` so that the **enrichment** is a sigmoidal function of the latent phenotype, and the observed phenotype is the log (base 2) of the latent phenotype.
This change harmonizes the simulator with the definitions in the new ``globalepistasis`` module.
Also changed the input to the ``latentPhenotype`` and ``observedPhenotype`` methods.
Note that these are backwards-compatibility breaking changes.
- Removed use of deprecated ``Bio.Alphabet``