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DNA curvature analysis

Dnacurve is a Python library, console script, and web application to calculate the global 3D structure of a B-DNA molecule from its nucleotide sequence according to the dinucleotide wedge model. Local bending angles and macroscopic curvature are calculated at each nucleotide.


DNA curvature analysis

Dnacurve is a Python library, console script, and web application to calculate the global 3D structure of a B-DNA molecule from its nucleotide sequence according to the dinucleotide wedge model. Local bending angles and macroscopic curvature are calculated at each nucleotide.


DNA curvature analysis

Dnacurve is a Python library, console script, and web application to calculate the global 3D structure of a B-DNA molecule from its nucleotide sequence according to the dinucleotide wedge model. Local bending angles and macroscopic curvature are calculated at each nucleotide.


Dnacurve is a Python library, console script, and web application to calculate the global 3D structure of a B-DNA molecule from its nucleotide sequence according to the dinucleotide wedge model. Local bending angles and macroscopic curvature are calculated at each nucleotide.


Dnacurve is a Python library, console script, and web application to calculate the global 3D structure of a B-DNA molecule from its nucleotide sequence according to the dinucleotide wedge model. Local bending angles and macroscopic curvature are calculated at each nucleotide.


Dnacurve is a Python library and console script to calculate the global 3D structure of a B-DNA molecule from its nucleotide sequence according to the dinucleotide wedge model. Local bending angles and macroscopic curvature are calculated at each nucleotide.

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