
Latest version: v3.1.1

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- Bugfix: Incorrect version information emitted.



- Bugfix: Downstream fix repairs demo command (which was breaking
because spaces in tags were not being converted properly to magic
class names, causing PTK to explode, and then dob to ask something
strange about okay-to-save).

- Improve: Simplify version report for non-devs.

- Docs: Runtime help fixes.

- DX: Fix Travis-CI not-POSIX issue.



- Split prompt and carousel/editor interfaces to separate projects,
|dob-prompt|_ and |dob-viewer|_, respectively; and a shared
project, |dob-bright|_.

- This not only helps keep most of the Click CLI code separate from
the PPT interface code, but it removes all of the recent front end
work from the original |hamster-cli|_ codebase.

- This comes at the expense of making developer onboarding a little
more of a chore, because there are that many more repositories to
clone. So perhaps now is a good time to plug a multiple-repository
manager -- check out |ohmyrepos|_ to help you monitor all the
projects that make up dob.



- Add Natural language support, e.g., ``dob from 10 min ago to now ...``.

- NOTE: For the new commands, the start and optional end times are now
specified at the beginning of a new fact command, rather than after the
fact (like in legacy ``hamster``).

- New database migration commands, e.g., ``migrate up``.

- Legacy DB support (i.e., upgrade script).

- Bulk ``import``, with conflict resolution, and ``export``.

- Interactive prompting! Powerful, wonderful UI to specify
activitycategory, and tags. With sorting and filtering.
Just ``--ask``.

- Usage-aware ``TAB``-complete suggestions (e.g., most used
tags, tags used recently, and more).

- New ``usage`` commands to show activity and tag usage counts,
and cumulative durations.

- Easy, fast Fact ``edit``-ing.

- Refactor code, mostly breaking big files and long functions.

- Seriously lacking test coverage. =( But it's summertime now
and I want to go run around outside. -lb

- Enhanced ``edit`` command.

View the :doc:`hamster-cli History <history-hamster-cli>` (pre-fork, pre-|dob|_).



- Hamster Renascence: Total Metempsychosis.

- New ``dob edit`` command, a colorful, interactive, terminal-based editor,
i.e., Carousel Fact editor (though not *quite* a carousel, it doesn't wrap
from beginning back to end, more of a conveyor belt, but that doesn't have
quite the same image as a photo slideshow carousel).

- Sped up load time for quicker factoid entering profiling
(but who cares now that ``dob edit`` ).

- Learn dob quickly with the new ``dob demo`` feature.

- Modernized packaging infrastructure. Moved metadata to ``setup.cfg`` and
dumped ``bumpversion`` for git-tags-aware ``setuptools_scm`` versioning.

- Setup accounts on Codecov, Travis CI, and ReadTheDocs.

- Attached Code of Conduct to Developer Contract.

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