Added - The `main page pre`, `main page submit`, and `main page post` configuration directives. - The `pre`, `submit`, and `post` metadata items. Changed - Pressing enter has effect of pressing Continue, even on pages without input elements. Fixed - Issues with unicode.
Not secure
Fixed - Problem with using Upgrade button.
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Added - The `ldap login` configuration directive. Using this feature will require a system upgrade (running a new instance), as the `libsasl2-dev` `libldap2-dev` Debian packages are required dependencies of the `python-ldap` Python module.
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Added - Configuration directives `use font awesome` and `default icons`. - CSS support for Material Icons. - The `question help button` feature. - Ability to `label` the help tab. Fixed - Reference to non-existent image file during image preloading. - Error when reviving SMS session for which answers had been deleted. - SMS interface bugs related to signatures and attachments.
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Changed - SVG instead of PNG for images in checkboxes and radio buttons. Fixed - Page layout when side navigation bar in use. - Slow submit time when many checkboxes are used.
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Added - The `define()` function. - The features `question back button` and `navigation back button`. - The `raw global css` and `raw global javascript` configuration directives. Changed - Main content block for page is now centered on desktop. Fixed - Problem with calling background action from code triggered by the API. - Problem with including a table while gathering the rows of the table.