* In ``docplex.mp``:
* add `Model.add_quadratic_constraints()` to add a batch of quadratic constraints
* add `Model.populate_solution_pool()` for a native support of solurtion pools
* support of CPLEX 20.1
* compatible with Python 3.8 (only with CPLEX 20.1)
* enable changing absolute and relative tolerances for multi-objectives
* Optimization of `Model.if_then`: when condition is of the form `b==1` (or 0), no additional boolean
variable is generated
* For solving, `docplex.mp` now uses the `cplex` module if it has been installed. If not, `docplex.mp`
checks for the latest installed version of CPLEX Optimization Studio (COS) (using the CPLEX_STUDIO_DIRXXX
environment variables) and use the `cplex` if a COS is found, unless the configuration of the engine
states otherwise.
* In ``docplex.cp``:
* Add pngfile= parameter to visu.show() method to store in a PNG file instead of display on screen.
* Make parameters and solver infos also available in refine_conflict solution.
* Add a IntegerDomain class used to represent domain of integer variables, with a specific __str__ method
* Add new functions ceil(), floor(), trunc(), round() and sgn()
* Remove all warnings generated by Python 38
* Optimize creation of add expressions with CumulExpr and zero
* Implement configurable factorization of common model expressions when generating CPO format
* Add checking of scal_prod() array sizes at modeling time
* Add strict_lexicographic() and checking of strict_lexicographic() and lexicographic() array sizes at modeling time.
* Add failure explanation as new method explain_failure() allowing to log failure tags or get details on one or several failures.
* Enhance management of local solve sub-process timeout with detailed error and configurable timeout delay
* For solving, `docplex.cp` now uses the `cpoptimizer` executable if it has been installed. If not, `docplex.cp`
checks for the latest installed version of CPLEX Optimization Studio (COS) (using the CPLEX_STUDIO_DIRXXX
environment variables) and use the `cpoptimizer` if a COS is found, unless the configuration of the engine
states otherwise.
* Support last optimal solution in search/next sequence
* Support of solver parameters in all next() solutions
* Add solver version in process info attached to a run result