* Revert automatic conversion, add filter instead (4e91c50a5938ab641a90cb84fabd56ff992c757c)
* Replace tfk-api-unoconv service with unoconv listener (f12f0a221b64fb22665ac4609e4f52e34ff767f2)
* `UNOCONV_LOCAL` and `UNOCONV_URL` are no longer supported configuration options. Please remove
them from your configuration file.
* By default an unoconv listener gets launched within the container. To use a different listener
you can specify `UNOCONV_SERVER` and `UNOCONV_PORT`.
* After gathering some practical experience with the new automatic "Listing"-conversion for
multiline we noticed that this feature is a little bit too "clever" and breaks many advanced
use-cases. (4e91c50a5938ab641a90cb84fabd56ff992c757c)