- conditions: Previously dofusdude only supported "and" -- now any combination of "or" and "and" with the `condition_tree` field is correctly modeled. The previous `conditions` field stays for backwards compatibility but it will only show "and" combinations, which can be wrong(!) if there are additional or's. Because of that, `conditions` is now marked as deprecated.
- titles: Titles are now correctly templated for items that have the effect.
- active effects: Weapons with '-1 MP' failed to be marked as active. Instead of detecting it by naming features, now a stable Ankama-internal flag is used for translating the API's `active` to Ankama's "used in a fight".
- search Almanax bonus: A new meta endpoint enables search for a bonus category. All dofusdude languages except "pt" are supported.
- search engine update: The search server jumped from 1.3.5 to 1.6.0, mainly for faster indexing which now leads to even faster startup and update circles.