A major release is here 🎉
- [Record & Replay system](https://github.com/charles-001/dolphie?tab=readme-ov-file#record--replay): Ever wished you could revisit the processlist and other critical metrics from a specific moment in time, especially during those database stalls that slip past your other monitoring tools? Or maybe you just wanted to see how Dolphie looked at a specific time while investigating something? That is now possible with this feature!
- [Daemon mode](https://github.com/charles-001/dolphie?tab=readme-ov-file#daemon-mode): Designed to run in the background continuously recording data for future replay. It’s more resource-efficient than running Dolphie live, transforming it into a passive, always-on monitoring service. With this mode, you'll be able to record and replay data at any moment to uncover the root causes of incidents that may occur
- Improved performance when using multiple tabs. Dolphie now creates the UI widgets once instead of recreating them every time each time a new tab is created
- Dolphie now notifies you when a global variable changes. If you have variables that change often, see `--exclude-notify-vars` option
- Added `JSON EXPLAIN` when using `t` command
- Added command `E`. This will let you export the processlist to a file
- History List Length now has a graph
- Various bug fixes and improvements