Changed - dask.dalayed on data before parallel execution in
Changed - proper Python logging in radar_tools allows for clean logs when running in parallel Deprecated - removed "verbose" keyword in radar_tools module
Added - new python script that converts odim reflectivity mosaics to CMC "standard" format - a module that plots the content of the standard file above. Fixed - several examples had img_res=(nx,ny) size inverted. img_res should be ( x pixel E-W , y pixel N-S)
Added - support for RDBZ in radar_tools Change - proj_data and get_instantaneous methods optimized for speed. Factor 7 improvements in run time.
Added - the rendering of a few images is now checked to ensure proper display of figures uwing cartopy+imshow - now geo_tools properly handle NaN and infty on cartopy outputs for pixels with no projections Fixed - numpy was complaining about floats used as integers in a couple of places - fix origin='upper' for all imshow in the code to prevent upside down images on doctest
Added - new option to specify the latlon file for Odim H5 radar data in HDF5 format