* Support installation of fonts.
This requires `Windows 10 build 17704 <https://blogs.windows.com/windows-insider/2018/06/27/announcing-windows-10-insider-preview-build-17704/>`_ or higher.
* Require dotbot 1.20.1 or higher.
- Allow the plugin to be imported on non-Windows platforms.
This allows non-Windows operating systems to load the plugin
without resulting in an ``ImportError``.
- Make logging of registry data types more consistent.
Previously, data type names could be misreported during logging.
The new behavior is to choose the shortest data type name.
For example, ``REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN`` and ``REG_DWORD`` are equivalent,
and the new behavior is to choose ``REG_DWORD`` for logging purposes.
* Rewrite the test suite to rely on requirements files.
* Introduce an ``update`` label in the tox config that will update requirements files
as well as pre-commit hook and additional dependency versions.
* Colorize tox, pytest, and mypy output when running locally and in CI.
.. _changelog-1.0.0: