* diff is done with `-u` (unified) per default * allow empty `src` or `dst` in dotfiles (see [the doc](https://github.com/deadc0de6/dotdrop/wiki/config#format)) * re-add bash and zsh completion in aur (208) * custom functions and filters are now available in the config file for templating (210) * small bug fixes
* add ability to ignore non-existing imported paths with `:optional` (for all `import_*` in config) * see the feature request 198 * see the [doc](https://github.com/deadc0de6/dotdrop/wiki/config#import-variables-from-file) * add ability to provide custom jinja2 functions with `func_file` * see the feature request 200 * see the [doc](https://github.com/deadc0de6/dotdrop/wiki/templating#available-methods) * add ability to provide custom jinja2 filters with `filter_file` * see the feature request 200 * see the [doc](https://github.com/deadc0de6/dotdrop/wiki/templating#available-filters) * add ability to provide custom diff command to use with `diff_command` for `install` and `compare` * see the feature request 203 * remove cli switch `-o --dopts=<opts>` (replaced by `diff_command`) * fix diff arguments order (see 202) * bug fix 197: file rights was not propagated on update
* refactor dotdrop command `list` to `profiles` * refactor dotdrop command `listfiles` to `files` * refactor the output of the listing commands (`profiles` and `files`) * add the ability to ignore specific patterns/files when installing with `instignore` (see 195) * add python 3.8 support * bug fixes * fix issue when new dotfile is imported when *ALL* is used * fix bug 192 * fix bug 165
* properly handle re-importing file within already imported directory * refactor tests for Mac OS X (`tput` and `mktemp`) * new warning when config file is updated and `minversion` added * new switch to force import (`-f --force`) * transformations (`trans_read` and `trans_write`) can now be templated * transformations now accept positional parameters * bug fixes * 170 * 171 * 172 * 177 * dotfile `src` and `dst` now expanded from external variables * add more tests
* bug fixing * 168 * catch key error on action execution * fix bug for unknown profiles * properly order variables precedence (169) (see also [this](https://github.com/deadc0de6/dotdrop/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#variables-resolution)) * remove extra debug logs