- [41] Prevent crash when using '--region' and credentials didn't include a URL. - [39] When creating the space, wait for it to be fully ready instead of (trying to) use it immediately.
- [37] Allow to override the URL in the credentials with a command-line argument (in the Interactive) or a constructor argument (in the library). Also, allows to specify a region instead of a URL (for the known regions). - [36] Don't leave the Watson Studio runs dangling when deleting a job.
- Update the documentation in README.md - Update the sample session in README.md
- [34] 'dump' downloads and stores all the inputs and outputs of a job, so that all the data is readily available. Replaces 'output', which is now deprecated. - [33] Print status of job while waiting for completion.
- [32] 'output' downloads the output data assets, not just inline outputs. - [31] The 'log' command wouldn't work if the job used 'outputs assets'. Fix that.
- [27] Catch timeout errors in the Interactive so that the session is not interrupted.