Highlight Features
- **Templates**: you can now apply styles across entire menus by using the new
**[templating system](https://dpymenus.com/templates.html)**
- **Hooks**: various menu events can now be **[hooked](https://dpymenus.com/hooks.html)** into with your own functions
- **Settings**: almost all settings are now configurable via a
**[configuration file](https://dpymenus.com/global_configuration.html)**
- **Documentation**: the **[API docs](https://dpymenus.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)** have been reworked, a
**[book](https://dpymenus.com/)** has been added with lots of detailed information, and
several **[new examples](https://github.com/robertwayne/dpymenus/tree/master/examples)** were added
*(additionally, all old examples were updated)*.
- Session handling has been completely rewritten. This technically will not be fully functional until v2.1, but from an
external view, it will work the exact same *(without some of the common annoyances from before)*.
- The new Discord `reply` feature is now supported by menus. This can be configured via settings.
- Menus now support setting an initial page with a new method: `.set_initial_page()`.
- Examples can now be run with a built-in bot.
- Buttons are now throttled by default to avoid filling up rate limit buckets too quickly. This was a source of much
confusion. This can be configured via settings.
- Destination errors now fail gracefully.
- Fixed many bugs and optimized various logic paths.
- `.allow_multisession()` no longer exists. This is the default now *(as per popular request)*, and can be configured
via settings.
- Support for Python 3.7
- Poetry is now the package and build tool.
- Black is now the formatter.
- Almost all the internal code was rewritten resulting in better performance and/or cleaner code. Note that this could
mean your menus will break, if you were using any internally marked methods *(prefixed with an underscore)*.