* `dramatiq_queue_prefetch` environment variable to control the number of messages to prefetch per worker thread. (183, 184, xelhark)
* The RabbitMQ broker now retries the queue declaration process if an error occurs. (179, davidt99)
* Support for accessing nested broker instances from the CLI. (191, bersace)
* Support for eagerly raising actor exceptions in the joining thread with the `StubBroker`. (195, 203)
* Support for accessing the current message from an actor via `CurrentMessage`. (208)
* Pinned pika version `>1.0,<2.0`. (202)
* An issue where workers would fail and never recover after the connection to Redis was severed. (207)
* ``pipe_ignore`` has been fixed to apply to the next message in line within a pipeline. (194, metheoryt)