- Added `svg` export support for `saveImage()` - Added `path.line(pt1, pt2)` - Added `shadow()`, but it is not 100% compatible with DrawBot's in some unavoidable ways.
- Pinned optional pyffmpeg requirement to 1.6.1 for now. - Added `linearGradient(...)` - Added `radialGradient(...)` (limited to a single center point and a zero start radius) - Add `random`, `randint`, `choice` and `shuffle` from the random module to the default namespace.
- Fixed a serious issue with the graphics state and multiple pages, that caused wrong paint properties on pages after the first.
- Added `frameDuration(duration)` - Added `mp4` export support for `saveImage()`
- Added `path.removeOverlap()` - Added `path.union(other)` and `path.__or__(other)` - Added `path.intersection(other)` and `path.__and__(other)` - Added `path.difference(other)` and `path.__mod__(other)` - Added `path.xor(other)` and `path.__xor__(other)`