
Latest version: v1.5.0

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Not secure
- Fixes installation issue for Mysql backend support 29
- Updates TravisCI Tox testing to run against MySQL, PostgreSQL, & SQLite backends 29

NOTE: This version refactors drf-tracking's initial migration file and is likely backwards incompatible with current installations. Upgrade with caution.

Thanks to jameshiew


Not secure
This release addresses:
- Support for MySQL backend 19 , 25
- Refactored fields used on the `APIRequestLogAdmin` class 21
- Updates to docs and package metadata to align requirements for DRF, Django, & Python versions 30
- `PrefetchUserManager` class query performance enhancement 23

**NOTE:** This version refactors drf-tracking's initial migration file and is likely backwards incompatible with current installations. Upgrade with caution.

Thanks to ( jameshiew , zatarus , null-none , abriemme )


Not secure
APIRequestLog.remote_addr` is now X_FORWARDED_FOR by default, REMOTE_ADDR if not. This closes PR 14 and PR 15. Thanks yrchen!


Not secure
Add MySQL support, and refactor to not override DRF error message when user is inactive. Thanks mayankkapoor!

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