What's Changed
* :technologist: add pre-commits to check Makefile + sync dependencies by mauro-dribia in https://github.com/dribia/driviz/pull/28
* :construction_worker: update bump workflow by mauro-dribia in https://github.com/dribia/driviz/pull/32
* :art: update emoji by mauro-dribia in https://github.com/dribia/driviz/pull/33
* :heavy_minus_sign: Remove unnecessary dependencies. by hribera in https://github.com/dribia/driviz/pull/30
* :construction_worker: dependabot: all PRs in one by mauro-dribia in https://github.com/dribia/driviz/pull/39
* :arrow_up: Bump the all group with 2 updates by dependabot in https://github.com/dribia/driviz/pull/40
* :arrow_up: Bump the all group with 10 updates by dependabot in https://github.com/dribia/driviz/pull/41
* :lipstick: set white backgroud for altair plots by mauro-dribia in https://github.com/dribia/driviz/pull/43
* :alien: setup for altair v5.5.0 by mauro-dribia in https://github.com/dribia/driviz/pull/47
* :memo: add plots automatically to docs by mauro-dribia in https://github.com/dribia/driviz/pull/45
* :rocket: New release v0.3.0 by github-actions in https://github.com/dribia/driviz/pull/48
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/dribia/driviz/compare/v0.2.1...v0.3.0