
Latest version: v1.1.2

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- `input()` and `output()` methods added to `droit.Database()`. They point to pythons `input()` and `print()` functions but can be changed. Plugins use those functions when needed. Therefore you can make sure every output goes to the device you want it to go to (e.g. when using text-to-speech).
- get input-block added

- output plugins have now the abillity to modify `inp` variables


Droit v1.1 and v1.0 are not compatible. The Database formats haven't changed but the library uses different commands and objects so you will have to rewrite you bot but you will still be able to use your old databases.
1. Database object
A new object called `Database` will be now the core of python-droit. It combines the functionallity of `__init__.py`, `tools.py`, `loader.py` and `dumper.py` from Droit v1.0. You can use it to parse and dump a Database, you can load plugins into it and run `useRules()` and `formatOut()` from it. It replaces `rpack` as it also stores `cache` and `history` objects. The `settings` object was removed and replaced by so called sessions.

2. Plugins
Restructuring droit of caurse has an effect on the plugins. There are minimal adjustments that have to be done to make v1.0 plugins work with v1.1. The biggest change is that there are now two types of output plugins. On the one hand there are still those that are called using `EVAL`. The folder they are stored in is from now on called `eval.pluginName`. The new type of output plugins is similar to input plugins. Those plugins use a `block()` function. The `TEXT` and `VAR` blocks are no longer part of the core source code but plugins.

3. DroitIO
DroitIO will be removed as it is the task of the person who writes the bot to implement a solution for input and output. Probably there will be a ready-to-use bot based on python-droit soon that can be configured easily similar to what DroitIO offered.

4. Sessions
Droit v1.1 is the first version to support multiple users. Therefore so called sessions can be created. The `Database` object stores a `DroitMultiSession` object in it's parameter `sessions`. Using this object you can load and save sessions and switch between users. Plugins can access sessions and store data separately for each user.


- improved `legacy.isValidLine()`
- `models.DroitUsername()` doesnt remove specific characters anymore but only allows specific characters (a-z A-Z 0-9)


- fix [25](https://github.com/jarinox/python-droit/issues/25) formatOut bug when using EVAL
- test "rules" improved
- test "tools" improved
- imports fixed


- [24](https://github.com/jarinox/python-droit/issues/24) type annotations added
- test "tools" added
- test "io" added
- tests introduced: "convert", "models" and "rules" tests added

- tools.createVariables bug fixed
- "Droit" as standard droitname in `config.json`
- imports fixed
- [23](https://github.com/jarinox/python-droit/issues/22) make package pypi compatible


- fix [22](https://github.com/jarinox/python-droit/issues/22) block rule name

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