Welp, that's a big change. Well, not in terms of "how to use the library", rather how the library itself does stuff, and how its code looks. All thanks to [pylint](https://pylint.org/)!
*(Oh and by the way, 1.5.1 has a pylint score of **0.32/10** (!), whereas 1.6 has 9.14/10.)*
So far the least optimized thing is drop's GUI frontend. Because, let's be real, it's half-baked and rushed. Buuut, I tried all that I could.
- Added very basic module descriptions
- Capped the line limit to 100 instead of 120 *so code lines will be less long than they were*
- Module variables now follow the `UPPER_CASE` naming style
- Optimized imports *(no more wildcards)*
- ~~Accidentally~~ fixed the search function a bit
- Did some minor but numerous changes to the GUI a bit *(too many for me to list them, 'cause this update is about code optimization dangit.)*
- Drop exceptions now raise *from* the original Python exception
- Er, `__version__` is now at `1.6`