* Added `Eithereither` that accepts two callbacks, runs the first if it is `Right` and the second otherwise (nkondratyev)
* Added `fmap2` and `fmap3` for mapping over nested structures like `List Either` and `Either Some` (flash-gordon)
* Added `Tryvalue_or` (dsounded)
* Added the `List` monad which acts as an immutable `Array` and plays nice with other monads. A common example is a list of `Either`s (flash-gordon)
* `bind` made to work with keyword arguments as extra parameters to the block (flash-gordon)
* Added `Listtraverse` that "flips" the list with an embedded monad (flash-gordon + damncabbage)
* Added `tee` for all right-biased monads (flash-gordon)
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