- Sorting mechanism in analogy to ``flask_smorest``'s Pagination mechanism
- Deletion, put, and patch routes
- ``/tags`` tag retrieval route
- All routes refactored to adhere to a few simple REST API conventions from "Mark Masse, REST API Design Rulebook, O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2011", namely
- Forward slash separator indicates hierarchical relationship,
and URI path conveys the REST API's resource model,
e.g. ``/users/test-user``, ``/base-uris/smb/test-share``, ``/uris/s3/test-bucket/aad1c62b-b184-422b-841e-ac68eda26fe7``
- Hyphens used to improve readability and underscores avoided in URIs,
e.g. ``/base-uris`` instead of ``/base_uris``
- Plural nouns are used for collections, e.g. ``/users``, ``/base-uris``
- Singular nouns are used for specific documents, e.g. ``/users/test-user/summary``
- Query component of a URI used to filter collections, e.g. ``/uris?creator_usernames=test-user&free_text=apple``
- Query component of URI used to paginate and sort collections , e.g. ``/users?page=2&page_size=5&sort=is_admin,-username``
- use HTTP methods GET, PUT, DELETE for managing resources in the sense of https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Methods:
- GET retrieves a resource, e.g. GET ``/users/test-user``
- PUT registers a resource or replaces an existing resource and behaves idempotent,
e.g. PUT ``/users/test-user`` will create the user ``test-user`` or replace them if already existing
- DELETE removes a resource from dserver
- use HTTP response codes to transparently indicate errors in the sense of https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status, e.g.
- 200 OK, Request succeeded, e.g. used by
- GET to indicate the resource has been fetched and transmitted,
- PUT to indicate an existing resource has been updated successfully,
- DELETE to indicate successful removal of a resource
- 201 Created, The request succeeded, and a new resource was created as a result,
e.g. used by PUT if the resource had not existed before the request and has been newly created
- 400 Bad Request, e.g. a dataset to be registered is not valid.
- 401 Unauthorized, semantically this response means "unauthenticated",
e.g. user needs to authenticate to access the resource.
- 403 Forbidden, client does not have access rights to the content,
e.g. user is authenticated and known to the server, but lacks admin rights to access the specified resource
- 404 Not Found, server cannot find the requested resource,
e.g. user is authenticated and has permissions to search a specific base URI, but no dataset entry exists for the requested URI