Release version 2.0.1. Removed dependency on shapely and added feature to categorise number of regions formed.
Release of version 1.0.0 with documentation which can be found in:
Features: 1. 2D & 3D alpha shapes based design space identification. 2. Uniform acceptable regions and ranges identification. 3. Customisable matplotlib-based plotting for 2D and 3D design spaces. 4. Added option for the use of extra data points for resolution support identification of design space. 5. Alpha radius problem can be solved using bi-section algorithm. 6. Tolerance option for violations in design space. 7. Reporting analysis results as a .txt file. 8. Option to split processing of data when working with large problems (> 1 million data points).
Removed dependence on MATLAB engine. Updated default parameters.
Updated nomenclature. Improved code readability. Added more formatting options for the DSp, NOP, and AOR.
Added ability to store calculated hull, boundary, and surfaces